Sunday 27 January 2013

Project 3: Three and more instruments

Drum Trio

I wrote this piece in the style of a jig, though I discovered quite quickly that a lot of the spirit of the jig is in the melody rather than the rhythm. None the less, I persevered.

Spanish Ensemble

This is a piece written for cymbal, maracas, tambourine and woodblock. In writing this piece I wanted to play with a few well known Spanish dance rhythms, namely the Fandango, Sarabande and Seguidilla. I also played around with the instruments, swapping parts between instruments and using different combinations to get different sounds.

Whilst doing these percussion projects, I've observed how important dynamics and expression markings are for un-pitched percussion instruments. They are a lot more important than with pitched instruments; without them a rhythmic idea can be so flat and dull, with no real direction.

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