Sunday, 3 February 2013

Assignment 1: Reflections

I didn't find the assignment easy, mainly because it felt challenging to take approximately 20 seconds of music and create a 2-3 minute piece without it sounding boring or laboured. I found altering the tempo of the music between the main 2 sections helped with creating contrasting music; snare drum semiquavers helped to bring the music back up to the tempo of the first second.

I tried to make the middle section sound more relaxed, using soft tambourine and cymbals passages to change the mood from the previous passage; this is then contrasted by the snare and bass drum passage which abruptly takes over.

The first passage returns, but as mentioned before it is played forwards and the then backwards to make the music sound familiar but subtly different.

The next section uses the music of the second section but mixed up; drum and tambourine/cymbal phrases are interchanged to create an immediate contrast, as though there is conflict on the stage.

In order to create a more dramatic climax I elected to increase the tempo for the last reprise of the opening theme. I then added a quaver beat to the end of every bar to make the music sound jerky and less secure.

Looking at the assessment criteria I believe I have met them all, but as this is my first assessment it's difficult to know the standard that they are looking for and where mine sits in their expectations. For example, if it is highly recommended to use notation software, what does someone need to do to get a high mark for technical presentation instead of an average mark?

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