Sunday 16 June 2013

Project 8: Rounds and Catches

Flute Round

I started by writing a flute round using the chords from sequence 2 with one chord per bar. It has quite a quick tempo and I tried to write so that there was always movement between the parts.  The image below shows a complete single part with the rehearsal marks (A, B and C) denoting where each new part joins.

The image below shows what the round looks like when all parts are playing together.

Oboe Round

I wrote a round for oboe using the chords from sequence 4, again with one chord per bar. Like the flute round I wanted to ensure movement across the parts, but this time the round is Adagio and has more of a lilt to it. The image below shows a complete single part with the rehearsal marks (A, B and C) denoting where each new part joins.

The image below shows what the round looks like when all parts are playing together.

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